
How to uninstall bluestacks using command prompt
How to uninstall bluestacks using command prompt

how to uninstall bluestacks using command prompt

My experience is almost 4 years past the original post in this thread and almost 2 years past post indicating that he’s running both concurrently with no issues. So in the output above, I see “docker was successfully installed!” as output from brew, and yet I’m unable to run docker at the command-line. I chose “Exit” there, rather than “Start Anyway”.

how to uninstall bluestacks using command prompt

We recommend uninstalling BlueStacks in order to use Docker Desktop." (bold emphasis not present in original, but it seems to imply that even if I last launched BlueStacks.app more than 6 months ago, it still represents an OS crash waiting to happen if I “Start Anyway”) " BlueStacks Detected : BlueStacks will crash the operating system if Docker runs in the same macOS boot session after BlueStacks has run. When tried to launch it, I saw another error message: So I guessed that maybe I needed to run it at least once before the docker command-line tools would become available. I suppose that must be the Docker Desktop app.

how to uninstall bluestacks using command prompt

When I look in /Applications, I see that Docker.app is installed there (Version, created Octoat 5:06 AM). I launched a new Terminal and tried again with the same error result.

how to uninstall bluestacks using command prompt

=> Moving App 'Docker.app' to '/Applications/Docker.app'.īut running “docker” from the command-line in a Terminal.app fails with: $ docker build -tag us.icr.io//hello-world. => Verifying SHA-256 checksum for Cask 'docker'. Installing/updating external dependency: docker Installing/updating external dependency: git Note: You may be prompted for your 'sudo' password during install. That bash script seems to have installed a lot of new software, including docker: $ curl -sL | bash To install a lot of software for this CognitiveClass.ai course (CO0201EN) in Kubernetes that I’m taking. I think it does not use resources running in the background when I haven’t launched it, but I’m not certain of that. I have BlueStacks.app installed in MacOS High Sierra, but I haven’t used it in a long time.

How to uninstall bluestacks using command prompt