
Endnote harvard open university
Endnote harvard open university

Mendeley allows you to search for related/recommended articles in other users’ libraries, join groups with people researching similar topics, and network with these people.

endnote harvard open university

You can add notes for your own reference to the citation information box and share them with other users in your groups. You can annotate and highlight full-text articles in the library, as well as cut and paste. You can create subject folders, groups and tags for articles, and share these with other users. For example, when you log into your desktop version of Mendeley, citations that were added to the online account will be imported to the desktop.

endnote harvard open university

You can import citations (and some full-text articles) directly from many databases and journals, and from other bibliographic management tools, such as Endnote, Zotero and Refworks.ĭata is synced across all platforms when you log into one account it syncs all information, so data won’t be lost. It is simple to use, you can ‘drag and drop’ files into Mendeley, and the program finds the bibliographic information on the web. There are also iPhone and iPad versions, and a number of unofficial apps for Android devices are available.

endnote harvard open university

Mendeley is compatible with Mac and Windows.

Endnote harvard open university