
How to uninstall tor browser windows 8.1
How to uninstall tor browser windows 8.1

how to uninstall tor browser windows 8.1

To type ~ / Library / Application Support / I awarded her vai. Note that the Libray in newer versions of macOS it is hidden. To navigate in this folder with Finder, you need to select Go to the folder, in the menu vai. Go to the folder ~ / Library / Application Support / (if you have installed Tor Browser in the Applications folder). Move the application Tor Browser in the trash on your Mac. It is usually in the folder Applications. Open the TOR browser folder and go to Browser > Tor Browser > Data > Browser > fault and delete parent. If you have an operating system MacOS you have to: After downloading and installing the torbrowser-install-win64-x.x.xit.exe if you have a Windows operating system, it is normal that you tend to go to the. Delete the Tor Browser folder or application.Locate the Tor Browser folder or application.Let's see how to do it on various operating systems. Once the menu gets opened, look for the 'Options' in the following options and click. Now search for the menu symbol which is located mostly on the top-right side of the browser and click on it as shown below: 3. Open the tor browser by double-clicking on its icon.

how to uninstall tor browser windows 8.1

Have you read my guide on how to enter the dark web and download the Tor browser? Then I'm sure you are wondering how to uninstall Tor browser from your computer.Īfter downloading and installing the torbrowser-install-win64-x.x.x_it.exe if you have a Windows operating system, it is normal that you tend to go to the section to uninstall Tor Installation Applications to locate the package to delete.Īctually uninstalling the Tor browser from your system is very simple. To disable the JavaScript in the Tor Browser, follow the following steps: 1.

How to uninstall tor browser windows 8.1